I think this stop shadow animation is so shit but I am at the verge I cannot edit it no more.
Monday, 7 November 2011
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Alexey Titarenko
Yes, this Russian photographer has been lying around on my to-blog bookmark list for quite sometime. Somehow, I never got around to post about how spectacular his works are. These photos come from his series called Time Standing Still (1998-2000), which I think will be quite an exquisite introduction to his works on my blog. I love the ghostly effect, making them not only hauntingly beautiful, but it also helps to reflect the buzziness in nowadays environment. The B&W is really beautiful, I can imagine it would have been a preference of his, I would like to keep it simple and yet striking too. Anywho, I came across this holga and diana F+ lenses for both Nikon and Canon DSLR, I have such a big urge to try them out. Especially knowing that they only cost around $18 on Ebay. I am such a big advocator for Holga, it's cheap and it's great for tons of reasons if you want a lomo camera. I know the lenses will not be as good as the real ones in creating that nice cheap-dreamy quality, but there's no harm in trying them out anyways. Just trying to create that image in my head right now.. how the lense will look so disproportionate compared to how huge D90 is, it will look funny like a small head on a big body.
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Orderliness. But that's not always the case nowadays. I hope that whatever it is you choose to do, you will always reflect back to your self-destruct capability.
photos: day out
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Folding project poster
An on-going poster for my 1b project yet to be done (this relates to my previous post about the folding project), I'm not truly confident with the composition and all. Give me inputs tell me what you think how I should improve on this in terms of positioning as well as black and white contrast. I might need to add my haiku in too.. I am so lost.
Leg works
Don't you just love when you can twirl around and clown each other in public? Uhm probably not, but that day was so much fun, Brighton beach was absolutely magnificent, I wish to come back there in the near future! Some more pictures from the day will be uploaaaaadeeddd.
Monday, 12 September 2011
The Tree of Life
'Mother. Father.
Always you wrestle inside me.
Always you will.'
'Help each other. Love everyone. Every leaf. Every ray of light. Forgive.'

'Where were You? You let a boy die. You let anything happen. Why should I be good? When You aren't'
I finally got to watch The Tree of Life last night at Cinemanova. It has been around for so long and I was intrigued by the great actors who are starring in it. Curiousity killed a cat. I have a feeling that people can either love or hate the movie. I personally float in between. I expected more out of the movie, more of a clearer story plot to narrate this genius idea. But apart from that, the movie was hauntingly beautiful. It takes forms of natures, the birth and the death of all with very little dialogue but once spoken, the words can move a mountain. It's also very biblical in some ways, and the story is not completely centered on a tragic event due to the loss of the character's son, instead.. it shows you the cycle of life through the main characters. At first, I actually felt like I was watching something out of Discovery Channel (or some sort) in HD ... and I really reallly hoped a real story would come up, which thank God it did. It might be difficult to understand as it's more of a philosophical journey rather than a fictional movie to me. It came to no surprise though, Terrece Mallick was a philosopher before be became a director. Anywho, go watch it if you're interested, it's beautiful. Very vague but beautiful. At least, that's what I think.
Sunday, 11 September 2011
Carefully Scrutinizing
Interrupted, in a good way that is. It is nice to go out after hours and hours being in front of the laptop freaking my brain and eyeballs out. I blame my essays for wanting me to have no life whilst Zaky was here. I finally met up with him though last night who visited Melbourne again all the way from Gold Coast and around the world. I had a really good time! Although I wish I wasn't so tired and sleepy towards the end... came home so late and half light-headed which caused me to wake up outside schedule today. I was supposed to go to NGV at 10, but I caught up anyways by taking a real quick shower. I love going to NGV, it's a shame that I never really had the time to fully explore the museum, so I think today was quite nice. I kind of giggled a bit looking at Mark Rothko's work as it reminds me of when I visited his exhibition at Tate's London. My friends and I knew nothing about the meaning of an abstract work and could not understand why he would spend his life painting just colours, whereas some people would even cry looking at his works. It is meant to be emotionally intriguing so based on that, I guess I started to read more about the background of Rothko's works and fell in love with all the colours.
Friday, 9 September 2011
Monday, 5 September 2011
Friday, 26 August 2011
Bottles and more bottles
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Collected Artifacts
Michael and I decided to meet up for a good catch-up last Tuesday. He took me out to some gourmet restaurant (which I had never been before), as I lack of food knowledge as well as money. So you guess it, he had to explain everything to me hahahaha. At least the food turned out to be really good! I was meant to take a lot of pictures of the food and interior but we got carried out talking too much. Oh, afterwards he introduced me to this classic hot chocolate at Cocoa Black which was still rich in taste but at the same time not being 'thick' like other ones I usually find.
The thought of this post actually came up when I was at the restaurant staring blank into the wall and didn't realize that the wall was covered with planks. This reminds me of what I have been doing for my art project, collecting artifacts. It's quite interesting really because we put our artifacts up on the projector and they portrayed such beautiful outlines and composition on the board. I found these pictures of Katsuya Kamo's house on The Shelby website, I find them very intriguing because he collects artifacts too! The way in which he displays his neon bugs especially, he contrasted them with a couple of foreign objects such as bottle cans and a butterfly wing and I think this has given the display a whole new perspective.